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The EXECAPP tag is used to execute an external application or DLL. Anything written to the console by the external program is returned to the EXECAPP tag.

Parameters can be passed to the external application using the PARAM tag.

For security reasons, all external applications must exist in a single directory per user. This user directory is configured by the system administrator. EXECAPP does not support absolute file paths.

NAMEvariable to receive execution result
VALUEexternal application (or DLL) to execute
TIMEOUTtimeout in milliseconds (default is 10000)

The following is an example of EXECAPP;
<SAEXECAPP Name=Test1 VALUE="Test.exe">
   <SAPARAM NAME="param1" VALUE="This is a test">
   <SAPARAM NAME="param2" VALUE="This is also a test">

<SAEXECAPP Name=Test2 VALUE="TestDll.dll?SomeFunc">
   <SAPARAM VALUE="This is also a test">

For developers; the prototypes for creating your own applications and DLL's for use with SteelArrow are:
apps int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
DLL  int FunctionName( int argc, char* argv[] )

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