Get SteelArrow!
Return to Tag List |
The GOTO tag moves a variables internal pointer to the specified row or record
within TABLE and LIST objects (zero based).
NAME | variable |
VALUE | index offset (zero based) |
The following is an example of GOTO;
<!--- Create a LIST object containing 12,34,56,78 --->
<SASET NAME=list VALUE=MakeList( ":", "12:34:56:78" )>
<!--- Move to element 3 (0 based) --->
<SAOUTPUT VALUE=list> <!--- third element (56) --->
<SAFIRST NAME=list> <!--- Move to first element --->
<SAOUTPUT VALUE=list> <!--- first element (12) --->
<SALAST NAME=list> <!--- Move to last element --->
<SAOUTPUT VALUE=list> <!--- Outputs 4th element (78) --->