Saturday July 27, 2024

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The SET tag is used to set a variable to a specified value. The value can come from a variable or expression.
NAMEvariable name
VALUEvariable or expression

The following is an example of SET;
<!--- Will create 'var' with the below value --->
<SASET NAME=var VALUE="var is now this">

<!--- Changing the variable value --->
<SASET NAME=var VALUE=var & " a concat string">

<!--- Outputs: var is now this a concat string --->

<!--- Other examples of manipulating a variable --->
<SASET VALUE=iVar++> <!--- iVar = iVar + 1 --->
<SASET VALUE=iVar--> <!--- iVar = iVar - 1 --->
<SASET VALUE=iVar*~3> <!--- iVar = iVar * 3 --->
<SASET VALUE=iVar/~5> <!--- iVar = iVar / 5 --->

<SASET NAME=total VALUE=( ? 5 : 10>
<!--- The above expands to; if iVar > 3 total=5 else total=10 --->

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