Sunday February 16, 2025

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  SteelArrow Response Tests    
  Download SteelArrow v4.5 
  SteelArrow Wins First Round of Response Testing

Version 4.1 is easily the most efficient and stable version of SteelArrow to date. We tested SteelArrow against other Web Application Servers (WAS) in the market, and are proud to share our results with anyone who may be interested.
Orignal test cases performed with SteelArrow v3.9 in mid-2001.
  The Tests

First, we should describe the testing phase and the way in which we tested each of the listed Web Application Servers. There were three tests that were performed, each used virtual users to connect to the web server (IIS on Windows 2000 Advanced Server) using our own HTTP tester utility. This tester allows us to create virtual users on separate threads so that we are able to test server response times when the server is under different load scenarios.

The data that was requested was data available in the Microsoft Access Northwind sample database (customer table). This database was used as an ODBC datasource by all WAS servers.

Go here to see the HTML output that all Web Application Servers were expected to deliver.

No cookies or other form of session management was used with any of the listed products. The times recorded represent the amount of time between a request, and the complete data set being returned.
  The First Test - Medium Load

The first test used 20 virtual users making 100 requests on the server. Between each request, each virtual user waited for 2000 milli-seconds (2 seconds) and then made its next request. The results were as follows (click the WAS name to see the associated screen-shot);

SteelArrow v4.1 0.014 seconds 21003 bytes
SteelArrow v3.9 0.037 seconds 21037 bytes
ColdFusion v4.5 0.041 seconds 20878 bytes
ColdFusion v5.0 0.047 seconds 20880 bytes
ASP v5.0 0.076 seconds 17428 bytes
PHP v4.0.6 0.177 seconds 13134 bytes
ActivePERL v5.6 0.964 seconds 13099 bytes
  The Second Test - Heavy Load

The second test used 50 virtual users making 50 requests on the server. Between each request, the virtual user waited for a random time upto 2000 milli-seconds (2 seconds) and then made its next request. The results were as follows (click the WAS name to see the associated screen-shot);

SteelArrow v4.1 0.075 seconds 21003 bytes
SteelArrow v3.9 0.211 seconds 21037 bytes
ColdFusion v5.0 0.230 seconds 20880 bytes
ColdFusion v4.5 0.324 seconds 20878 bytes
ASP v5.0 0.870 seconds 17428 bytes
PHP v4.0.6 #2 2.545 seconds 13134 bytes
PHP v4.0.6 #1 3.572 seconds 13134 bytes
ActivePERL v5.6 5.258 seconds 13099 bytes
Note: PHP had two tries as the first test took an exceptional amount of time to return from the first request.
  The Third Test - Light Load

The third test used 1 virtual user making 50 requests on the server. Between each request, the virtual user waited for 1000 milli-seconds (1 second) and then made its next request. The results were as follows (click the WAS name to see the associated screen-shot);

First test - new database connection built
ColdFusion v4.5 0.041 seconds 20878 bytes
SteelArrow v3.9 0.044 seconds 21037 bytes
SteelArrow v4.1 0.051 seconds 21003 bytes
ASP v5.0 0.064 seconds 17428 bytes
ColdFusion v5.0 0.091 seconds 20880 bytes
PHP v4.0.6 0.108 seconds 13134 bytes
ActivePERL v5.6 0.153 seconds 13099 bytes
Second test - database connection possibly cached
SteelArrow v4.1 0.013 seconds 21003 bytes
SteelArrow v3.9 0.033 seconds 21037 bytes
ColdFusion v4.5 0.036 seconds 20878 bytes
ColdFusion v5.0 0.039 seconds 20880 bytes
ASP v5.0 0.064 seconds 17428 bytes
PHP v4.0.6 0.094 seconds 13134 bytes
ActivePERL v5.6 0.155 seconds 13099 bytes
  The New Tests - Kill the Server

Version 4.1 of SteelArrow performed much better than we originally expected, so we added a few more tests to see if we could find the limit. Based on the previous tests we felt there was no benefit in comparing against any of the other server products. The following results represent our findings;

300 Concurrent Users - with 2 second pause
SteelArrow v4.1 1.329 seconds 20998 bytes
350 Concurrent Users! - with 2 second pause
SteelArrow v4.1 1.760 seconds 20998 bytes
  The Test Scripts

The following scripts were used in all of the above tests;

  Memory Utilization
  Mem. Usage (K) VM Size (K)
 SteelArrow v4.1
Start Test 2,544 1,140
End Test 6,896 not recorded
15 minutes after test not recorded not recorded
 SteelArrow v3.9
Start Test 2,104 1,080
End Test 7,292 5,680
15 minutes after test 4,548 2,716
 ColdFusion v5.0 (cfserver.exe)
Start Test 10,060 13,416
End Test 13,944 9,960
15 minutes after test 13,940 9,960
 ColdFusion v4.5 (cfserver.exe)
Start Test 14,256 15,280
End Test 17,712 18,088
15 minutes after test 17,732 18,092
 ASP -- DLLHost.exe
Start Test Not Loaded Not Loaded
End Test 12,984 8,864
15 minutes after test 12,664 8,496
 PHP - Loads and Unloads as executing
 ActivePERL - Loads and Unloads as executing

Note: Memory results recorded during medium load test as reported by Windows Task Manager.
  Further Information

For each Web Application Server, there was no optimization of code or changes to settings beyond those necessary to have the WAS working on the server. All tests were performed on the same server (AMD Athlon-1GHz 128MB RAM) over a local area network. The client utility was run on an Intel-333Mhz with 512MB RAM. All network cards and hubs had network throughput of 100Mbps.

  • SteelArrow and ColdFusion were the easiest to get up and running. Running the install was all the effort that was required. Many ColdFusion samples, and a close similarity to SteelArrow resulted in the quick creation of a database query script.
  • ASP was the second easiest to get running once we were able to find a working database sample. The errors that were produced while developing the test script were limitted in information.
  • The PHP install required a missing OCX control and as a result we had to manually install the IIS server plug-in. As with ASP, some time was spent finding a working PHP database script for use with ODBC.
  • The ActivePERL install installed all necessary components to their rightful places on the server. It was necessary to set directory permissions to allow execution of the final script. In order to work with an ODBC datasource there was some web searching required to find an appropriate database module. In the end, we used the Win32::ODBC module developed by Roth Consulting. As with ASP and PHP, some time was spent finding a working PERL database script for use with ODBC.

As SteelArrow and ColdFusion are tag based languages there was no real programming required. With 5 or so language specific tags a database query and data output script was easily built for each. PHP and ASP are closer to true programming languages and as a result it was necessary to reference several web sites to create the test scripts that were used here (to ensure similarity of function).
  Our Disclaimer

We do not claim to be experts in ASP, ColdFusion, PERL or PHP. Our test scripts were built from information and samples that are readily available on the World Wide Web.

Our tests were in-house, and were not performed by a third party. The tests were developed with fairness in mind. Everything possible was performed to ensure the validity of the test results. The listed test values represent our own findings and we look forward to anyone who may dispute what we have communicated here.
  Our Findings

We have to admit that we were quite pleasantly surprised by the results of our newest v4.1 build. Its currently in use on the Ottawa Senators Fan Forum (over 600,000 hits per month), The House Finder (over 100,000 hits per month) and Carleton University Parking Services (over 50,000 hits per month) but to name a few...

and yes.... SteelArrow rocks! :)

ActivePERL is copyright ActiveState Corp.
ASP,Windows are copyright Microsoft Corporation
ColdFusion is copyright Allaire Corp.
PHP is copyright the PHP Group

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